Join Our Team

iCube can give you an internship opportunity unlike any other, which is why our application process is extremely competitive. As an intern, you may be asked to do something as seemingly trivial as fact checking a website we have created, something as interactive as manning a virtual reality booth at a local event, or something as innovative as joining a brainstorming meeting for a potential virtual reality project. You could be a maker, a leader, or a helping hand, all within the same day. By clicking Yes below, you are signing yourself up for the challenges of working in a highly innovative, openly collaborative office with various deadlines and constant changes. Clicking Yes means you are willing and ready to tackle any task given to you by any member of iCube, that you are eager to learn new skills that will help you in your future endeavors, and that you are excited to join a team of talented faculty and students working together to Imagine, Inspire, and Innovate for the continued improvement.

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Attach any relevant documents that isn't addressed in the application. Maximum of 20 MB - if your file is greater than 20 MB email
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